Turmeric side effects

10 Serious Side Effects of Turmeric

Bright yellow color spice, turmeric has numerous health benefits. However, turmeric is not free of side effects. Though turmeric has many unique powers that can relieve pain and cure diseases but excessive use can lead to serious health problems.

There is no dose recommendation for turmeric. Adding it to gravies and curries can have a positive effect on health. However, eating food made of turmeric and other spices will not have any side effects. Instead, it will benefit health.

But excessive consumption of spicy food can negatively impact health. Below are10 side effects of turmeric.

1. Increase the risk of kidney stone

Kidney stone
Kidney stone

As turmeric has oxalates, too much eating can increase the risk of developing stones in the kidney. Oxalates bind with calcium that forms oxalate, which is insoluble, and this may be responsible for kidney stones. Turmeric may not show symptoms if you have a healthy kidney, as there is a low chance of a reaction.

If you have kidney issues, it’s wise to avoid turmeric. However, you may talk to a doctor before making changes in your diet.

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 2. Gastrointestinal problem

Eating food cooked with turmeric is not linked with stomach issues. However, high doses of turmeric over an extended period of time may cause a gastrointestinal problem. But that doesn’t mean a person who is already suffering from a gastrointestinal problem should not eat turmeric. If you are avoiding turmeric because of gastrointestinal problems, then you are also cutting off the source of minerals.

Consuming curries or vegetables with turmeric shows no side effects, even if you have a gastrointestinal problem unless you exceed the amount of turmeric intake. Exceeding the amount of turmeric in your daily diet may also cause heartburn and indigestion.

3. May increase the risk of gallstones

Turmeric has a significant amount of oxalate that can increase the risk of developing gallstones. Turmeric may show this side effect only if you increase the amount in your everyday food. However, consuming food with turmeric on a daily basis will not show any side effects.

However, avoiding turmeric will not solve gallstone issues, but cutting off can stop the benefits you get from turmeric powder. Though you may have to lower the intake of turmeric but avoiding turmeric may not be the solution. You may talk to your doctor regarding this before making a decision.

4. Lower blood pressure

side effects of turmeric
Blood pressure

Turmeric can reduce the blood level. If you have low blood pressure, it’s better to limit turmeric intake. High doses of turmeric can lower blood pressure levels. However, eating required doses of turmeric will not show any side effects even if you have lower blood pressure. But if you are taking medication for lower blood pressure, you should be careful while eating turmeric.

However, increasing turmeric intake may not aid in high blood pressure. If you are taking medicines to maintain your blood pressure level, then it’s better to continue medicines. Replacing medicines with turmeric power may not be a great idea if you are taking medication.

5. May cause excessive bleeding

Turmeric may slow blood clotting, and this can increase the risk of bleeding in those who have a bleeding disorder. However, this doesn’t mean women who have bleeding disorders should not eat turmeric powder. This just means not to consume too much turmeric power just to minimize the risk of side effects.

Turmeric may interact with certain medications to cause excessive bleeding. So, if you are on medication for a bleeding disorder, try minimizing the intake of turmeric. You may also consult your doctor regarding turmeric intake before making any decision.

6. For pregnant women

During pregnancy
During pregnancy

Turmeric has no side effects for pregnant women. Turmeric is totally safe during pregnancy. However, turmeric supplements should be avoided by pregnant women. Many products need to be avoided, and some food products have to be adopted by women during pregnancy. Turmeric supplements are one such thing that has to be avoided by pregnant women.

Turmeric supplements are also not good for breastfeeding women. Though there is no solid proof, it’s always better to avoid artificial products by pregnant and breastfeeding women.

7.Blood-thinning medication

Turmeric contains purifying properties that make you bleed more easily. The curcumin in the turmeric can reduce blood platelet function and should be avoided by those taking blood-thinning medication.  People who take blood-thinning drugs like warfarin must avoid eating heavy doses of turmeric. However, you need to consult a doctor to make changes in the diet.

8. Cause iron deficiency

side effects of turmeric
Iron deficiency

Some components of turmeric can cause iron deficiency. Turmeric may decrease body’s ability to absorb iron from food, which is the reason for iron deficiency. However, you don’t need to worry if you are regularly using turmeric in food as this will not show any side effects. Consuming food with turmeric will not cause iron deficiency.

You may have iron deficiency only if you increase the amount of turmeric in your diet. Though turmeric has many health benefits, excess use can negatively impact health. So, you need to be careful while adding it to your food.

9. Diarrhea

Diarrhea is a common symptom associated with turmeric supplements as it contains curcumin. Even a small dose of turmeric can cause diarrhea. For some people, eating food with turmeric can cause diarrhea. However, some people may show side effects to turmeric only when they drink it with water.

If you have noticed any symptoms after eating turmeric, then it’s better to avoid it. But notice if you are having symptoms after drinking turmeric water or food that has turmeric in it.

10. Not good if you are having surgery

Turmeric is not good if you are going for surgery. It may slow blood clotting and can cause extra bleeding during and after surgery. Better to stop eating turmeric at least 2 weeks before the date of surgery. Even doctors suggest avoiding turmeric for surgery. Along with turmeric, you may also have to avoid eating some food for surgery.

However, you may take turmeric after surgery as it can reduce pain and swelling. But do take approval from the doctor before returning to a regular diet.

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